Saturday, March 28, 2009

Knowing is Not Worth Knowing


Well, it looks like the first single star to go on a DMR movie review goes to Knowing. Let me break it down and tell you why you can wait to rent it or don't bother with it at all.

Nicolas Cage, a solid actor, seems to come up short in a film that starts out smart but ends with no panache. After uncovering a elementary school time capsule from 50 years ago, the 1959 artifacts are distributed to the students of the 2009 class. Young Caleb Koestler (Chandler Canterbury) brings his artifact home (a sheet of numbers) discovered by his father, John (Nicolas Cage), an MIT Professor who stumbles on a specific code of numbers detailing the dates, death tolls, and locations of every major disaster within the 50 past years. Sounds interesting. Here's where everything goes north.

The final three disasters said to take place on the sheet have yet to take place and the last one will result in the end of the world. The plot thickens. However, the ending will kill you. There's no imagination, no glimmer of hope, just utter abysmal ruin for all mankind. It's not even that Armageddon is involved, but the lack of vision to throw in some aliens to cheese it up when the majority of this film is grounded in reality.

Personally, I've said too much about this film, and don't want to elaborate on it in case you do go to see this film. However, you have been warned. Knowing is not worth knowing.

Want more on this doomsday flick? Pop Syndicate and Rotten Tomatoes have got the in-depth scoop. You should know though...we all happen to agree in different ways on how we feel about it.

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